Human Knot

  The title of the tool 
Human knot 

2. The learning objective of the tool 

The Human Knot (also known as the Human Knot Game or Human Knot Ac-tivity) is a popular game where people learn to work together. This game is great icebreaker for a team of new people or as a get to know each other activity 

3. Target Group 
People in NEET 

4. Duration of the Tool 
20-30 min 

5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.) 
1.Materials:  No materials needed  Small space, indoors or outdoors  5 minutes to brief and set up  10-20 minutes to achieve outcome  5 minutes to review and debrief 

6. Instructions to implement the tool 
Instructions  Get the group to form a circle.  1. Tell them to put their right hand up in the air, and then grab the hand of someone across the circle from them.  2. Then repeat this with the left hand, ensuring they grab a different persons hand.  3. Check to make sure that everyone is holding the hands of two different people and they are not holding hands with someone either side of them.  4. That they must now try to untangle themselves to form a circle without 

breaking the chain of hands. Allocate a specific time to complete this chal-lenge (generally ten to twenty minutes) 
5. Get participants to take their time in order to limit injuries. Ask the group not to tug or pull on each other and spot participants as they pass over other participants. Monitor through-out the challenge and stop them if you need to. 
6. If the chain of hands is broken at any point, they must then start over again. 

7. Skills – SDGs – Key Competences Chart 
SDG 4 – Quality education  SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth  SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and infrastructure  SDG 10 –Reduced inequalities 

8. Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementation 
How do you interpret the exercise?  Do you find interesting? 

9. Any tips / suggestions to the trainers for the further implementations 

10. Resources / References 
Team building activity 

Chart of the Section 7: 

Reinforced skills 
(Empathy, Communication etc.) 

SDGs targeted 
(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.) 

Erasmus+ Key Competences 
(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.) 
Problem solving SDG 4 – Quality education Learning to learn 
Developing strategy SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship 
Team work SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and infrastructure Social and Civic Competences 

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