Three Topics That Our Project Adress
Key Competences – basic skills
Entrepreneurial Learning – Entrepreneurship Education
Gender Equality / Equal Opportunities
Our project aims to develop the key competences and raise the knowledge of UN Sustainable Development Goals of adult educators/trainers and empowering disadvantaged women groups through using sports at local and international level.
Project Content:
Our project is based on the numeric datas of young people (aged 20 to 34) neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET). According to Eurostat Statistics on young people neither in employment nor in education or training, 17.2 % of the 20-34 olds in the EU in 2017 in’ NEETs’. Across the EU Member States there can be seen a wide variation in NEET rates in 2017.There were 10 Member States that recorded NEET rates above the EU-28 average of 17.2 %. Among these, by far the highest rates were recorded in Italy and Greece, where approximately one third of all young people aged 20–34 were NEET (29.5 % and 28.8 % respectively); there were also very high rates in North Macedonia (37.4 %), Turkey (33.4 %). When we analyze the facts through sex and age categories, there is a considerable difference between the sexes in relation to the proportion of young people who were NEET. In 2017, more than one fifth (21.5 %) of young women (aged 20–34) in the EU-28 were NEETs. Turkey and Macedonia are two countries who are facing with the highest rates differences between sexes. The women in NEET in Turkey appears with 52.4% and Macedonia with 44.4%, France follows these two with 21.4% percentage. On the other side, Slovenia relatively can be considered in better position. But even in Slovenia, 1 over 7 women is in NEET. In the light of these statistics, young women are more at risk of becoming NEETs than young men in almost all countries.

After we see all these numbers, we believe that prevention of high women NEET rate is passing by raising awareness and improving the key competences of these young women to involve them as more active parts of our societies. The young women who can raise their awareness on Social and Civic Competences, Sense of Iniative and Entrepreneurship, Learning to Learn; can easily reach an active role in their societies. In order to make this change, we believe that Adult Educators’ role are crucial. The Adult educators who will directly focuse on development of their key competences, will be able to spread these change and create chain effect in their societies by creating the necessary tools through sport which will be implemented women in NEET.
On the other side, Sustainable development objectives have been at the heart of European policy for a long time to ensure the equal rights & opportunities for all. When we look at the Key Competences of Erasmus+ Program, we can obviously create the link between Key Competences and UN Sustainable Development Goals. In our project, “Sense of Iniative and Entrepreneurship is linked with Decent work and economic growth; Social Competences for women in NEET has link with Reducing Inequalities; Learning to Learn is directly associating with Quality in Education; Civic Competences have direct link with Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”. All these competences and UNSDGs are complementary for each other and foresee such inclusive and sustainable development. All these goals and competences will help to improve the socially to increase their self confidence, creating new opportunities and ways to be active part of their societies, being physicall and mentally active in present.

By pursuing these short and medium-term plans, the “Sport for Sustainable Societies” Network aims to build a robust and dynamic community dedicated to harnessing the potential of sports for positive societal change on both local and international scales.