About the Project
“Sustainable Development Through Sport” Project
- National Agency of Applicant Org: Turkish National Agency
- Working Language: English
- Project Reference Number: 2019-1-TR01-KA204-077742
- Project Duration: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022
Project Priorities, Aim, Objectives & Content:
Priorities of Project:
– Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults
– Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personel who support adult learners
– Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences
Overall Aim:
– Our project aims to develop the key competences and raise the knowledge of UN Sustainable Development Goals of adult educators/trainers and empowering disadvantaged women groups through using sports at local and international level.
Specific Objectives:
1) To find out / analyze the challenges of women in NEET in partner countries
2) To increase the knowledge of adult educators / trainers within the context of the relationship between “Key Competences of Erasmus + Program and the Importance of Lifelong Learning” and UN Sustainable Development Goals
3) To increase the usage of various sport tools in the field of adult education
4) To increase the competence of Adult Educators / Trainers in thematic subjects such as Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Social, Cultural and Active Citizenship, Learning to Learn
5) To increase the women’s awareness about “Self-Expression, Social and Civic Participation and Individual Learning Processes by creating sports opportunities.
Project Consortium

Our project focuses on three target groups
One of them is women who are between 20-34 years old neither education, employment and training (NEET). The reason why we choose this age and gender category is; field studies have shown that NEETs are generally female and gender gap varies in European Countries. This gap is largely explained by gender roles and the work load of women as a result of family responsibilities. Our project aims to reach 250 people in NEET in 4 countries. (Turkey – 100, Macedonia – 50, France – 50, Slovenia – 50)
Secondly, adult educators/trainers who are actively working with adult learnes at local and international level. 20 Adult Educators will be reached to improve the methodological and thematical capacities to run local trainings with disadvantaged groups.
Thirdly, other CSOs representatives, trainers, youth workers, public sector representatives, academicians are going to be reached to increase the private-public dialogue among various stakeholders. 270 stakeholders are going to be reach within the implementation of local and international dissemination activities.

Project Activities
In the scope of our project activities, international and local level activities are planned to be held in 4 countries. 5 Transnational Project Meetings, 4 Learning Training and Teaching Activities targeting the Adult Educators/Sport Trainers and Adult Learners, 2 Intellectual Outputs, 4 Multiplier Events, Local Sport Events will be held in 36 months action plan.
Project Expected Results
– 20 Adult Educators have increased their knowledge about 5 UNSDGs which are “Quality Education, Gender Inequalities, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Reducing Inequalities” and their strong connection with 5 key competences which are “Social Competences, Civic Competences, Cultural Awareness and Expression, Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship, Learning to Learn.
– A manual “Soft Skill Development in Sport for Adult Education” has been prepared to support the methodological capacities of the Adult Educators / Sport Trainers.
– A Tool Box with 60 methods and web-page “www.sportforsdg.com” has been produced to increase the usage of education based sport methods at European wide. With the selection of 20 tools, a Training Kit has been prepared.
– 250 people in NEET have been reached as the result of local implementations.
– 270 stakeholders have been reached and project methodology is disseminated to underline the intersectoral cooperation in sport field.
Project staffs
Istanbul Culture and Sport Association – IKOS

M. Volkan Müderrisoğlu
Senior Trainer

Selcan Erdoğan
Administrative Staff

İlknur Dinç

Cem Tınaz

Burak Gündüz
Sport Istanbul

Enes Demirtaş
Administrative Staff

Nurçin Şahin

Sevilay Çelik
POVOD Institute

Robert Krizanic
Administrative Staff

Samar Zughool

Saša Serdinšek

Fabrice Le Floch

Francois Guyot
Administrative Staff

Myléne Lecuyer
CEFE Macedonia

Jovan Stalevski

Blagoj Trajkov
Dejan Jovcheski
Administrative Staff
IO2 – “Sport for Sustainable Development” Tool-Box and Training Kit
The Second Intellectual Output of the Project is a Tool-box on web page “www.sportforsdg.com” and a Training – Kit to be published. 60 tools have been collected and adopted for each country’s Target Group realities during the Local Implementations. The Session outlines with detailed explanation about “how to implement the tool”, short videos and hints for the Adult Educators who might implement the Tool in the future is written and edited.