The title of the tool | Apple, banana, orange |
2. The learning objective of the tool | Fun energiser to create energy and fun. It is very useful to use it after breaks such as lunch or coffee breaks. |
3. Target Group | People in NEET |
4. Duration of the Tool | 5-10 min |
5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.) | 1.Materials: No materials needed |
6. Instructions to implement the tool | 1.Form a circle with people where each member must put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front ; 2. The facilitator will describe the following commands : apple means everybody jumps forward at the same time (the rule is not to break the circle) – Orange means everybody jumps bakcwards ; -Banana means everybody jumps back turning 180 degree so they will put their hands over the shoulders of the person behind. The facilitator tells them to turn left or right just to create a pattern and people don’t get confused when doing the movement. Rounds : Easy mode : the facilitatot will be giving commands in a slow pace. Ex. apple !….banana !….orange !, with few seconds stop between the commands ; |
7. Skills – SDGs – Key Competences Chart | SDG 4 – Quality education SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and infrastructure SDG 10 –Reduced inequalities |
8. Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementation | How do you interpret the exercise? Do you find it energetic? |
9. Any tips / suggestions to the trainers for the further implementations | |
10. Resources / References | Team building activity |
– Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication etc.) | SDGs targeted (SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.) | Erasmus+ Key Competences (Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.) |
Problem solving | SDG 4 – Quality education | Learning to learn |
Developing strategy | SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth | Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship |
Team work | SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and infrastructure | Social and Civic Competences |