Skill of Sensing Movement

The title of the toolSkill of Sensing Movement
The learning objective of the toolLearn to listen and response physical information. By placing the emphasis on the listening and concentrations skills, individual movement is given the chance to emerge and be explored.
Target GroupMin. 20 people older than 13 y.o.
Duration of the Tool30 Minutes
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.)It can be implemented indoor or outdoor. Be sure that implementation area is big enough up to your group size.
Instructions to implement the toolStep by Step Implementation:- The exercise takes place in silence- We identify skills of sensing the movement around you- Focus on the power of the group as a whole- Focus on how individual relates to that group- When someone moves everybody move, it’s the cue to start. When somebody stops everybody stop- We introduce different instructions: when somebody jump everybody jump,… levels, rhythm, timing.
Skills – SDGs – Key Competences ChartSDG4 – Quality in Education
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementationThis game doesn’t require any debriefing but you can ask the participants if they liked the game and what did they feel when they to try to move as one.
Any tips / suggestions to the trainers for the further implementationsTry to lead the group to move as one and when you see the progress, you can tell it loud to motivate the participants.
Resources / References 
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills SDGs targeted Erasmus+ Key Competences(,etc.)
Non-Verbal CommunicationSDG 4 – Quality in EducationLearning to Learn
Teamwork Social Competences
Sense of Initiative  

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