“Act Out and Sink In” Challenging gender stereotypes

“Act Out and Sink In” Challenging gender stereotypes

The tool’s title“Act Out and Sink In” Challenging gender stereotypes
The learning objective of the toolUnderstanding gender and its impact on one’s choices in life to reclaim identities and unleash one’s capacities and power beyond social pressure and enforced social roles. 
Target GroupPeople who identify with different gender groups 
Duration of the Tool90 minutes 
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials, etc.)Three cups. Nine small balls, sticky notes , papers, and pens.  Music.  Space indoor or outdoor that is comfortable for moving. A door or red tape to identify the start point. In this session, you need three people who will act as judges.
Instructions to implement the tool1. Divide the participants into groups, ask them to assign a leader, and choose the name of their group. 2. Explain to them the challenges:  mathematicsbelly dance push-ups (not based on ableism). Shooting (throwing the ball in a cup).  3. Explain what each challenge will look like, then give them time to assign the challenges to the people in their team. Each challenge is for one person. Inform them that they cannot change this order afterward. Introduce the judges. Each judge is in one corner. 4. Explain the rules: all groups go out; one competitor from each group enters the room once you open the door. Each judge is responsible for one competitor. Once the player wins, they go out, and the next player from the same group enters. The first group that finishes the whole challenge wins. 
Skills – SDGs – Key Competencies ChartSelf-awareness regarding gender and cultural expressions to achieve SDG5 gender equality. 
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementationAfter the end of the challenge; you do the following parts: 1. Reflection 2. Presenting the theory of gender, gender sensitivity learning, and its impact on one’s life and life choices. And 3. evaluation. Reflection: you facilitate a reflection on feelings and how the process of delegating tasks went. You can use an exercise where you put signs across the room: 1. I agree. 2. I am not sure, and 3. I disagree. You shall prepare a list of questions that makes reflective thoughts on how gender plays or did not play a role in the self-choice of choosing a challenge or delegating a challenge. (Examples to be uploaded later due to time). You ask about the type of sports used in the challenges and what kind of gender stereotypes are associated with it. You give a self-directed assessment tool on emotional intelligence and gender sensitivity learning in connection to cultural awareness and how culture impacts gender roles. You ask questions about gender, gender roles, and gender stereotypes. You ask the participants to move around the room in response to these questions. The right side means yes, the left side No, and the middle is I am not sure. Theory presentation: The theory shall address gender sensitivity learning in connection to gender profiling and its negative impact on gender equality. Evaluation:Here, you can use self-directed evaluation tools to identify similar situations where participants felt that they shall stick to certain roles due to their assigned gender.  The second part is about solutions to what the participants can do when they face situations of gender profiling in their lives. In the end, you open a group evaluation discussion where those who would like to share can share the outcomes of their evaluation process. The active experimentation happens afterward when the participants will endure similar situations in real life
Any tips/suggestions to the trainers for further implementationsWhen you explain the challenges, make sure that they are not based on ableism. For example, if there is a participant in a wheelchair, they can do the pushups in any format that they decide on.  Make sure to open an inclusive space where you respect the participant’s approach to gender and gender roles. This session is a self-directed learning process; therefore, the theory you present can be questioned and there are no right or wrong answers but only reflections to raise awareness about gender, its concepts and how it impacts one’s life.
Resources / Referenceshttps://eige.europa.eu/gender-mainstreaming/methods-tools/gender-awareness-raising
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication, etc.)SDGs targeted(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)Erasmus+ Key Competencies(Learning to Learn, Social Competences, etc.)
Self-awarenessSDG 5 gender equality Learning to learn 
Interpersonal communication  Social competencies 
Gender sensitivity  Civic competences