Exercise Card

  1. The title of the tool 
Exercise Cards 

2. The learning objective of the tool 
Learning by doing  Experiential learning  Increasing the group dynamics among  players/participants  Time managment 

3. Target Group 
Mixed gender groups 

4. Duration of the Tool 
20’ Activity duration  25’ Debrief duration  Total 45’ 

5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.) 
Place: Outdoor or closed areas  Equipment:  Deck of cards  Whistle  Papers and pens  Table  Board 

6. Instructions to implement the tool 
Divide the participants into groups, ask them to assign a leader, and choose the name of their group.  Also, 2 referees should be elected by the teams at the beginning of the game.  Choose a different exercise type (sit-ups, jumps, push ups or etc.) for each card (hearts, spades, etc.) in the deck and lay a deck of playing cards on the table.  Write on the board which card represents which exercise type.  When the whistle is blown, one representative from each group runs to draw a card and repeats the type of exercise represented by the color of the card for the number written on the card and returns to the team.  The team that completes the most cards in the specified time wins . 

7. Skills – SDGs – Key Competences Chart 
SDG 5: Gender Inequalities  Self-awareness regarding gender 

8. Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementation 
After the end of the game; you can do the following parts:  1. Reflection  2. Presenting the theory of gender, gender sensitivity learning and its impact on one’s life  3. Evaluation. Reflection: 

– Chart of the Section 7: 

Reinforced skills 
(Empathy, Communication etc.) 

SDGs targeted 
(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.) 

Erasmus+ Key Competences 
(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.) 
Self-Awareness SDG5-Gender Inequalities Learning to Learn 
Team Building and Active Participation Social Competences 
Gender Sensitivity Civic Competences 

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