Kick out stress

The title of the toolKick out stress
The learning objective of the toolSelf-confidence, self-discipline
Target GroupEveryone
Duration of the Tool90 minutes
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.)To implement this tool we need a space and a punching bag. 
Instructions to implement the toolIn the beginning we can introduce kickboxing that it means not only fighting with someone but also staying in good shape, to relieve stress and it can also be used for a self-defense. Than we need to warm up our bodies to avoid injury and show to participants how to punch. The punches don’t have to be professional. It is important to let go of fear, anger and stress.  
Skills – SDGs – Key Competences ChartSocial competence refers to the ability to engage in meaningful interactions with others. Many times in life we come into conflict with people or at work, school, market, … It is important to release excess anger or stress in a different way than with unnecessary quarrels. 
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementationAt the beginning of the exercise, we ask people if they ever feel stressed. After the exercise, we ask them again how they feel, if they feel less tense or less stressed. We ask them also if they could you this in daily life to avoid conflicts. 
Any tips / suggestions to the trainers for the further implementationsYou can consult kickboxing coaches for better preparedness. There are also many articles, tips and videos for beginners on the internet. If you can not find real punching bag, you can improvise and fill some bags with rise or maybe use a pillow. 
Resources / References
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication etc.)SDGs targeted(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)Erasmus+ Key Competences(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.)
Relieve stressSDG 16- Peace, Justice, strong InstitutionsSocial competences
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication etc.)SDGs targeted(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)Erasmus+ Key Competences(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.)
Relieve stressSDG 16- Peace, Justice, strong InstitutionsSocial competences

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