First Transnational Project Meeting – Kick Off Meeting of Sustainable Development Through Sport Project is implemented during 12-14th Jaunary 2020 in Istanbul within 11 representatives of partnership consortium.
The meeting has officially started within the introduction of each representatives and briefly their working fields. Right after the official opening and partners presentation, we moved into the Project Introduction part. Project Concept and need analysis have been shared with organization representatives. The innovative approach of our project and relation between Key Competences and selected UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) have been discussed and explained in the second session. Later on, the partner consortium’s expertise and their relevance on the project concept has been explained in detail.
Additionally, we have focused the project activities and timeline. Each activity (Transnational Project Meetings, Learning Teaching Training Activities, Intellectual Outputs, Multiplier Events) has been explained to partner organizations in detail. The learning objectives and expected results have been clearly explained and Gant Chart is revised within new decided dates for the implementation purposes. Last but not least, project financial and technical aspects regarding the budget allocation and reporting periods are shared and met on common understanding.