Improving Self-Confidence Through Sport

Magic Dice

  1. The title of the tool  Magic Dice  2. The learning objective of the tool  SDG4 – Quality Education  3. Target Group  Mixed Gender Groups  4. Duration of the Tool  30 minutes  5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.)  Dice  Min. 6– max. 30 participants  6. Instructions to implement the tool  Participants […]

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Exercise Card

  1. The title of the tool  Exercise Cards  2. The learning objective of the tool  Learning by doing  Experiential learning  Increasing the group dynamics among  players/participants  Time managment  3. Target Group  Mixed gender groups  4. Duration of the Tool  20’ Activity duration  25’ Debrief duration  Total 45’  5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed

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Emotions and Feelings

  1.The title of the tool  Emotions and Feelings  2.The learning objective of the tool  SDG4- Quality Education  3.Target Group Mixed gender groups and disabled people  4.Duration of the Tool  Varies depending on the number of participants  5.Preparation (Preparation before theimplementation, needed materials etc.)  Soft Ball Emotions and feelings” worksheet  6.Instructions to implement the tool  Participants

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Playing a chair football to gain team spirit and loose tensions between workshops

The title of the tool Playing a chair football to gain team spirit and loose tensions between workshops The learning objective of the tool Increasing group cooperation, team work, communication skills and fast thinking and coordination in team Target Group People which usually don’t play football Duration of the Tool 10” instructions, 30” game and

Playing a chair football to gain team spirit and loose tensions between workshops Read More »

Can you guess

  The title of the tool Can you guess?  2.The learning objective of the tool Promoting quality and inclusive education and lifelong learning opportunities for all  3.Target Group Mixed gender groups and disabled people  4.Duration of the Tool 60’ Activity duration  30’ Debrief duration  Total 90’  5.Preparation (Preparation before theimplementation, needed materials etc.) Pen  Paper 

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