“Deep relaxation technique – who am I?” Challenging gender stereotypes

The tool’s title“Deep relaxation technique – who am I?” Challenging gender stereotypesCredit to: Bhagavati Devi 
The learning objective of the toolUnderstanding gender and its impact on one’s choices in life to reclaim identities and unleash one’s capacities and power beyond social pressure and enforced social roles. 
Target GroupPeople who identify with different gender groups 
Duration of the Tool60 minutes 
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials, etc.)clean roomyoga matsblankets (optional)relaxation music on speakerscomfortable clothinglong time practitioner of yoga nidra, the technique of deep relaxation papers, pencils
Instructions to implement the tool1. Invite the participants to lay down on yoga mats, explain them about deep relaxation, tell them that they will experience a yogic way of sleeping in which they will voluntarily switch from the very active sympathetic state (fight – fight reaction) and enter to parasympathetic state (digestive and relaxation reaction). 2.Explain them that is possible that they fall asleep but it is not a problem, if it happens they should let it happen. They just need to follow your voice and stay motionless during the practice.3. Explain them that they will bring positive wish in the beginning of technique and they will repeat the same wish or positive decision for their life at the end of the technique. 
Skills – SDGs – Key Competencies ChartSelf-awareness regarding gender and cultural expressions to achieve SDG5 gender equality. 
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementationAfter the end of the yoga nidra you facilitate a reflection on feelings; how they feel after yogic sleep. Ask them questions about what is different than before, if they are more relaxed and more aware about some issues in their life and possibilities to resolve them using this tool. Than you ask them what is now more clear if they are able to see more clear certain situation.  If anyone feels comfortable invite them to share their opinion or thoughts with others in this way you open a group evaluation discussion where those who would like to share can share the outcomes of their evaluation process.  The active experimentation happens afterward when the participants will endure similar situations in real life empowered by the deep relaxation.
Any tips/suggestions to the trainers for further implementationsBe aware that deep relaxation technique has a profound impact on the mind and also sub consciousness, that a positive wish or decision done before and after the process will have some changes in participants life therefore be gentle and do not push the participants too much, aim is to raise awareness about gender, its concepts and how it impacts one’s life.
Resources / Referenceshttps://www.yoga-in-daily-life.org
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication, etc.)SDGs targeted(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)Erasmus+ Key Competencies(Learning to Learn, Social Competences, etc.)
Self-awarenessSDG 5 gender equality Learning to learn 
Interpersonal communication  Social competencies 
Gender sensitivity  Civic competences 

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