1. The title of the tool | Ballstorming |
2. The learning objective of the tool | ∙ To generate as many project ideas as possible ∙ To experience the creativity of the group ∙ To retain brainstorming as a general solution to problems where creativity is so licited |
3. Target Group | People in NEET |
4. Duration of the Tool | 45 min |
5. Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.) | 1. Materials: ∙ one soft ball (or a soft doll) ∙ 100 ″red dots″ (adhesive dots) ∙ marker pens and sheets of blank paper 2. Preparation Explanation of the rules and regulations: ∙ products related to the training hall should be mentioned (production or service) ∙ No brand names ∙ Throw the soft ball to someone else sit ting in the circle ∙ the receiver of the ball should mention one product (service) within 5 seconds ∙ if he (she) fails, a ″red dot″ will be past ed on the forehead. if someone re ceives his (her) fourth dot, he (she) is out. The instructor divides the participants into three groups. Each of the group receives a blank paper and a picture. Their task is to brainstorm as many ideas as they can re lated to the picture they get. They have to come up with ideas by answering the question “What do people/things on the picture need? Estimated time for this activity is 10 minutes. After the activity, the ideas of each group are counted separately, and the group with the most ideas is the winner. Processing Key questions: ∙ How do feel after this exercise? Why? ∙ How many project ideas have been generated? ∙ Are there any project ideas which might arise your interest? Which ones? Why? After the ″person″ module, are there any pro ject ideas which are tempting |
6. Instructions to implement the tool | Brainstorming The participants start to generate ideas. The assistant write all the ideas on the blank paper Estimated time for this activity is 15 min or till the participants exploit all their ideas. Count all the ideas Round 2. The instructor divides the participants into three groups. Each of the group receives a blank paper and a picture. Their task is to brainstorm as many ideas as they can re lated to the picture they get. They have to come up with ideas by answering the question “What do people/things on the picture need? Estimated time for this activity is 10 minutes. After the activity, the ideas of each group are counted separately, and the group with the most ideas is the winner. Processing Key questions: ∙ How do feel after this exercise? Why? ∙ How many project ideas have been generated? ∙ Are there any project ideas which might arise your interest? Which ones? Why? After the ″person″ module, are there any project ideas which are tempting |
7. Skills – SDGs – Key Competences Chart | SDG 8- Decent work and economic growth; SDG 10 – Quality education |
8. Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementation | Generalising Key questions: ∙ Did you ever imagine to generate so many project ideas? ∙ In which situations do you think brain storming exercises can be appropriately applied by entrepreneurs? |
9. Any tips / suggestions to the trainers for the further implementations | ∙ Make sure that the flow of ideas is not per manently interrupted by quarrels about single project ideas emitted and disputed by some participants. This requires that the lead trainer decides instantly without too many discussions; verify immediately with the help of the flip chart if the project idea in question has been already mentioned. However, brand names should not be allowed but local habits of naming products should be taken into account ∙ The assistants need a good co-ordination so that every project idea is really picked and written on flip chart. It is best that every as sistant writes every second project idea mentioned. They should be instructed to count the project ideas and to earmark every tenth item during the short breaks when a fault has been committed. |
– Chart of the Section 7:
∙ Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication etc.) | ∙ SDGs targeted (SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.) | ∙ Erasmus+ Key Competences (Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.) |
Communication | SDG 1 – No poverty | Social and Civic Competences |
Focus | SDG 8- Decent work and economic growth | Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship |
Brainstorming | SDG 10 –Quality education | Linguistic Communication |