Chill Out Bureaucracy Credit to Bhagvati Devi

 Chill Out Bureaucracy Credit to Bhagvati Devi

The title of the toolChill Out Bureaucracy  Credit to Bhagvati Devi 
The learning objective of the toolTo enhance the stress management skills of women who are migrants and who face stress while managing their paperwork in a new country 
Target GroupPeople who identify as women and are migrants
Duration of the Tool90 minutes 
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.)Comfortable and clean space Comfortable clothes Yoga mat Speaker and relaxing music practitioner of yoga in daily life
Instructions to implement the toolThe instructor welcomes the participants and  explains the purpose and benefits of yoga exercise in general. The instructor invites participants to think about their day, about how they feel about tension points in their body and mind, to become aware of HOW THEY FEEL NOW.  The instructor begins with the first technique anand asana.  Ananda means Bliss and asana means physical exercise. (relaxation posture)Instructions: Lay on the back, hands horizontal beside the body palms facing up, and legs slightly apart. Relaxing the body from top of the head till the tip of the toes and stomach breathing.The instructor then leads participants through sarwa hitta asanas (body exercises beneficial for everyone) according to his/her/their choice and explains with showing every next exercise by identifying three parts: 1. Its benefits 2. How to do it. 3. Warning about health problems.After each posture participants relax in ananda asana and after the last one they do short breathing technique pranayama 1. level  to clean the limb system of toxins.Instructor invites participants to think about how they feel now, are there any tensions in the body and mind, what is different now than before and if somebody feels comfortable to share their thoughts with the group they can. 
\Skills – SDGs – Key Competences ChartSelf-awareness on it comes to gender and cultural expressions in order to achieve SDG5 gender equality. 
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementationReflection: because this is yoga session the reflection should also be done mentally, try to avoid physical activities which stress participant. If done properly participants would naturally feel much more relaxed after yoga practise and their mind would be calm. They should naturally feel recharged with energy after the full yoga session. Their self awareness should be improved. 
Any tips/suggestions to the trainers for the further implementationsMake sure the space is clean, provided with fresh air, be aware that participants might have no knowledge of yoga practice at all.
Resources / References
  • Chart of the Section 7:
Reinforced skills (Empathy, Communication etc.)SDGs targeted(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)Erasmus+ Key Competences(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.)
self awarenessSDG 5 gender equalitylearning to learn
  social competencies
  civic competencies