Rise your concentration power

Rise your concentration power

The title of the tool
Rise your concentration power
The learning objective of the tool
To enhance the stress management skills of women who are migrants and who face stress while managing their paperwork in a new country 
Target Group
People who identify as women and are migrants
Duration of the Tool
60 minutes 
Preparation (Preparation before the implementation, needed materials etc.)
●      Comfortable and clean space 
●      Comfortable clothes
●      pillow or something to sit on the floor
●      candles or black papers with white point in the middle
●      chairs, stickers
●      papers, pencils
●      practitioner of yoga in daily life
Instructions to implement the tool
The instructor welcomes the participants and explains the purpose and benefits of yoga technique called tratak – gazing at the point, it is purification technique to improve eyesight and to focuses the mind.
The instructor invites participants to think about their day and to write down short about their feelings during the day and now.
Instuctor now explains about the tratak technique.
The instructor then leads participants through tratak and takes care that it is done correctly and in maximum durance from 10 seconds of staring to the flame or 15 seconds to the point in the paper to one minute.
After each staring the participants will concentrate on the image of the flame or white point mentally with closed eyes. They will repeat this 3 times.
Instructor invites participants to reflect on tratak and their feelings now. 
explanation of tratak:
–        sit in a comfortable meditation posture in front of a candle about arms length away and the flame at the same height as your chest. The flame should be away from draughts so the flame remains steady.
–        Close your eyes and start to allow yourself to relax. Mentally know there is a candle in front of you. Open your eyes and stare at the flame without blinking. Direct your gaze to the very brightest part of the flame. Stare at the flame for 10-15 seconds.
–        You can gradually build up to 1 minute. Close the eyes again and allow the image of the flame to appear. Concentrate on the image, if it does not appear don’t worry. Repeat two more times and the image will appear. Do not exceed the length of time given. The ability to stare and not blink should be developed gradually. While observing the image of the flame behind the closed eyelids notice the characteristics of the flame; the colour, the shape and the distance the flame is away from you. Just notice without trying to control the image. If it fades away try to bring it back.
\Skills – SDGs – Key Competences Chart
Self-awareness on it comes to gender and cultural expressions in order to achieve SDG5 gender equality. 
Sum Up / Debriefing / Reflection at the end of the implementation
Reflection: participants should sit quietly for some time and notice the effect of this practice. If done correctly one should be benefited with balancing the nervous system, relieving nervous tension, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Their memory would be improved and good concentration and willpower would be developed. 
Any tips/suggestions to the trainers for the further implementations
Make sure that persons who have mental problems or tendencies to schizophrenia or they suffer from hallucination do not practise this concentration technique. Also make sure that in room is no air which would cause the moving of the flame. Flame of candles should be still.
Resources / References
–        Chart of the Section 7:
●      Reinforced skills
 (Empathy, Communication etc.)
●      SDGs targeted
(SDG4 – Quality in Education etc.)
●      Erasmus+ Key Competences
(Learning to Learn, Social Competences etc.)
self awareness
SDG 5 gender equality
learning to learn
social competencies
civic competencies