With Sustainable Development Through Sport project, we have come up with an innovative methodology which shows the connection between Erasmus+ Key Competences and Sustainable Development Goals and how to implement this connection by sport practices.
With the recognition of sport as one of the educational tool, we believe that hidden agenda trainings which is based on Education Through Sport methodology have more to offer to support the learning process of each individual.
Thanks to this project, our initial starting point is derived as increasing the competences of the people in NEET between 20-34 years old by focusing on more women since we face serious gender gaps among the countries, we wanted to activate the potential of women in NEET by increasing the methodological capacity of Adult Educators, Sport Coaches, Sport Trainers to contribute their development.
IO1 – Manual on Sport for Soft Skill Development in Adult Education provides 4 chapters about how we can use Sport as tool for education purposes. This manual is created in English and translated into Turkish, French, Macedonian and Slovenian to be used by the local trainers or further beneficiaries. We hope it’s beneficial for everyone!